Open-source Hub

Open-source Hub: Sustainability as a Second Language

In partnership with HSBC and Posterity Institute, the Arab Youth Council for Climate Change presents the Open-source Hub for higher education professors and instructors as a platform for providing easily accessible and curated open educational resources focused on sustainability

It's time to kickstart the Sustainability Movement among Arab Youth

8 Comprehensive modules

These modules covers a wide range of topics within sustainability and climate change.

Expert Instructors

The course is taught and endorsed by university professors and lecturers in the sustainability space.


The content was designed to raise awareness on the current state of sustainability in the region.

Free access

This resource is made available free of charge for all professors willing to teach it.

Course Modules

Introduction to Sustainability  View Module
Global Response to Global Challenges View Module
The Role of the Private Sector View Module
Energy View Module
Circular Economies View Module
Food and Water Security View Module
Net-positive  View Module
Leveraging Technology for Good View Module